
2020上海国际个人护理用品博览会(PCE个人护理展)由中国保健协会权威主办,将于2020年 8月 7-9日在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。同期举办多场专业论坛活动,展现个护行业最新科技和发展趋势,为个人护理行业品牌与全球优质买家构建高效、高质、精准的全方位一站式的专业商贸平台。PCE2020邀您聚力个护产业升级,共享全球健康资源!
Shanghai International Personal Care Expo (PCE Personal Care Expo), as the development vane of personal care products industry, is one of the comprehensive personal care products industry events in China.The total exhibition area of the last exhibition reached 16,000 square meters, attracting 18,650 visitors from 506 exhibitors and 48 countries and regions.
Shanghai International Personal Care Expo 2020 (PCE Personal Care Expo), sponsored by China Health Care Association, will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center(SNIEC) from August 7 to 9, 2020.At the same time, we held several professional forum activities to show the latest technology and development trend of personal care industry and build an efficient, high-quality and accurate all-round one-stop professional business platform for personal care industry brands and global quality buyers.PCE2020 invites you to participate in personal care industry upgrading and share global health resources!
★ Head care: hair care, facial care, eye care, nose care, oral care, ear care supplies, etc;
★ Body care: skin care, hand and foot care, reproductive private parts care products, etc;
★ Toiletries: household care products, fabric care products, personal care cleaning products, antibacterial products, etc;
★ Health care: toilet paper, wet towels, sanitary towels, diapers, etc.
★Health care products: nutrition and health care products, natural tonic, health care products, beauty care, etc.
★ Personal care appliances: personal care appliances for male, personal care appliances for female, general personal care appliances;
★ Personal care franchises: beauty franchises, pedicure franchises, bath franchises, fitness franchises, weight loss franchises, health franchises;
★ OEM / ODM and other related products.
A.国内企业: RMB12000.00 /展期3m×3m    B.国外企业:USD3500.00 /展期3m×3m
    A.国内企业:RMB1200.00/平方米           B.国外企业:USD350.00/平方米
□封面:25000元     □封二:18000元    □彩首:12000元    □彩页:6000元
□封底:20000元     □封三:15000元    □彩末:10000元    □黑白:3000元
□展会手提袋:60000元     □胸卡/吊绳独家:50000元   □产品推介会:20000元   
□展会门票广告:30000元   □现场桁架广告:20000元/24平方米
l 个人护理品批发商、代理商、分销商、贸易商、零售商、进口商;
l 护理用品专营店、连锁店、美容/美发/美甲会所、整形/医美机构、孕婴童用品店和药店等;
l 大型超市、卖场、百货商场,酒店等;
l 京东/1号店/亚马逊/天猫/淘宝等电商平台采购商、微商团体;
l 个护用品的生产厂商、研发人员和品牌商及采购人员;
l 护理培训机构研发机构;
l 个护行业协会、行业媒体、大众媒体及自媒体等;
l 政府机构、行业协会、商会等。
Wholesalers, agents, distributors, traders, retailers and importers of personal care products;
Nursing supplies stores, chain stores, beauty/hairdressing/nail clubs, plastic/medical establishments, pregnant and infant supplies stores and pharmacies, etc.
Large supermarkets, stores, Department stores, hotels, etc.
Jingdong/No.1 Shop/Amazon/Tianmao/Taobao and other e-commerce platform purchasers and micro-business groups;
Manufacturers, R&D personnel, brand dealers and purchasing personnel of several nursing products;
Research and Development Institutions of Nursing Training Institutions;
Nursing industry associations, industry media, mass media and self-media, etc.
Government agencies, trade associations, chambers of commerce, etc.
地址:上海市莘砖公路258号34号楼1001室    邮编:201612
电话:+86-21-64512629                       传真: +86-21-64516467
传真:Email:QQ: 1456201134